
Saturday, August 3, 2013

Muhammadiyah University of Malang

           University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) is a private college accredited "A" by SK Number: 074/SK/BAN-PT/Ak-IV/PT/II/2013, which centered on the campus of University of Muhammadiyah Malang III integrated, Highway 246 Tlogomas Malang, East Java
           University of Muhammadiyah Malang is the largest universities in East Java. UMM included in the ranks of the leading private universities in Indonesia with UII and UMY. Therefore dominated by the color white walls, UMM campus often referred to as white.
UMM is one of the fast-growing university, so that by the Muhammadiyah was commissioned as a college adviser for the entire PTM (Muhammadiyah universities) eastern Indonesia. The programs are carefully designed to make UMM as "The Real University", the university is actually in terms of the university as an institution of higher education who is always committed to developing Tri Darma University


There are three campus locations, including:
1. Campus I (Jl. Malang Bandung 1)
Campus is the forerunner of the UMM, and for now it is concentrated to the Graduate program
2. Campus II (Jl. Dam Sutami 188A Malang)
The two campuses were once a major center of activity, concentrating now on the campus of the Faculty of Medicine and Faculty of Health Sciences course.
3. Campus III (Super Tlogomas Jl. 246 Malang)
Three campus to be used as subtitles throughout the activity center.

since its establishment, the new UMM opened several faculties, namely:
1. Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (Social),
2. Law, Economics and the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (Guidance and Counseling) and,
 3. Department of Religious Studies (Branch of University of Muhammadiyah Jakarta FAI).
As time goes by and the demands of the times, the UMM has opened other faculties, namely:
1. Faculty of Engineering,
2. Faculty of Agriculture,
3. Faculty of Animal Husbandry and Fisheries,
4. Faculty of Psychology,
5. Faculty of Medicine,
6. Faculty of Health Sciences consists of D3 and S1 Nursing,
7. Pharmacy,
8. Physiotherapy, and
 9. Graduate Program in each of which expands some majors. Department or program of study at UMM both level 3 diploma, Bachelors, Masters and Doctoral 40 percent has been accredited A BAN-PT

         University of Muhammadiyah Malang also have a mosque. This mosque is the largest mosque in Indonesia Campus. The existence of the mosque as a centrum of activities you want highlighted. That, all estuarine research, academic activities, etc. based proxies on the kindness of the community. So as a massive building, the mosque was built first, before the others like UMM Dome.

So, That is a little reference from various sources, may be this is able to assist you in finding information

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